Glossary D

Deception refers to concealment of the purpose and procedures of a study from the participants.

Decibel is defined as a unit that indicates the presence of a tone relative to a reference pressure: dB 20 log (p/po) where p is the pressure of the tone and po is the reference pressure.

Deutsch: entziffern / Español: descifrar / Português: decifrar / Français: déchiffrer / Italiano: decifrare

Decipher in psychology refers to the process of interpreting or making sense of complex or unclear information, such as understanding hidden or unconscious meanings, interpreting non-verbal cues, or decoding complex emotional states and behaviours. In this context, deciphering often involves breaking down information that is not immediately obvious, requiring insight, analytical skills, and psychological knowledge to fully grasp.

Decision analysis refers to a technology that helps people gather and integrate information in an optimal way.

Decision making refers to the process(es) by which an individual selects one course of action from among alternatives.

Decision structuring refers to the process(es) by which an individual establishes the criteria and options for consideration.
Decision tree refers to a strategy used for diagnosis, consisting of yes/no questions that guide clinicians in ruling in or out psychological disorders.

Decisions are generally the choices made around problem areas in organizations , which include: (1) Programmed decisions -the same type of decisions made regularly;. (2) Non-programmed decisions - decisions for which there are no previous case and examples to follow;. (3) Top-down decisions- are those made at senior levels in the company/organization; and (4) Empowered decisions - are those made at the lowest levels at which decisions can be made.