Glossary D

Dishonesty in the context of psychology refers to the act of intentionally providing false or misleading information, concealing the truth, or engaging in deceptive behavior. It encompasses various forms of dishonest conduct, including lying, cheating, and deceit, and can have significant implications for individual well-being, relationships, and societal trust. Dishonesty is a complex phenomenon influenced by various psychological, social, and ethical factors. In this article, we will explore the concept of dishonesty in psychology, provide examples, discuss risks and application areas, offer recommendations, briefly touch on historical and legal aspects, and conclude with a list of similar psychological phenomena.

Disinhibit means to stimulate a response that has been suppressed or "inhibited" by showing a model engaging in that response without aversive consequences.

Disinhibition refers to An increase of some reaction tendency by the removal of some inhibiting influence upon it (e.g., the increased strength of a frog's spinal reflexes after decapitation).

Disinhibitory effect involves engaging in a previously inhibited, deviant behavior as a result of observing a model. The Inhibitory effect involves refraining from a deviant behavior. (see Inhibitory/disinhibitory effect.)

Disjunctive concept refers to a concept defined by the presence of at least one of several possible features; for example, to qualify an object must be either blue or circular.

Deutsch: Disjunktive Aufgabe / Español: Tarea disyuntiva / Português: Tarefa disjuntiva / Français: Tâche disjonctive / Italiano: Compito disgiuntivo /

The Disjunctive task refers to a task or project that is completed when a single solution, decision, or recommendation is adopted by the group.

Dismantling design refers to a single-subjects design consisting of a series of phases where each phase adds or subtracts one component of a complex treatment. Dismantling design is also known as Component-analysis design.

Dismissal refers to the removal of an employee from his employment.