Glossary E
Glossary E
Expectancy effects refers to the tendency for results to be influenced by what experimenters or test administrators expect to find. Expectancy effects is also known as the Rosenthal effect, after the psychologist who has studied this problem intensively.
Expectancy model refers to an approach to alcohol dependence that focuses on cognitive-behavioral and social learning perspectives. According to this view, people acquire the belief that alcohol will reduce stress ; will make them feel more competent socially, physically, and sexually; and will give them feelings of pleasure.
Deutsch: Erwartung / Español: Expectativa / Português: Expectativa / Français: Attente / Italiano: Aspettativa /
The term "expectation" refers to an individual's anticipation or belief regarding a future event, outcome, or situation. Expectations play a significant role in shaping human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes. Psychologists study expectations to understand how they influence perception, decision-making, motivation, and emotional responses. This concept is essential for comprehending various aspects of human psychology.