Glossary E

Deutsch: Erwartung / Español: Expectativa / Português: Expectativa / Français: Attente / Italiano: Aspettativa /

The term "expectation" refers to an individual's anticipation or belief regarding a future event, outcome, or situation. Expectations play a significant role in shaping human behavior, emotions, and cognitive processes. Psychologists study expectations to understand how they influence perception, decision-making, motivation, and emotional responses. This concept is essential for comprehending various aspects of human psychology.

Expectation-lowering procedure refers to a technique that lowers an applicant’s expectations about work and expectations in general

Expectation-states theory refers to an explanation of status differentiation in groups which assumes that group members allocate status to group members judged to be competent at the task at hand and to group members who have qualities that the members think are indicators of competence and potential.
Expectations may refer to (1) what the investigator or the research participant anticipates about the experimental outcome; and (2) views held by oneself or by others about what would be appropriate behavior in a given situation or at a given stage of development.

Expected utility theory refers to a normative model of decision making in which the decision maker weights the personal importance and the probabilities of different outcomes in choosing among alternatives in order to maximize overall satisfaction of personal goals.

Deutsch: Erfahrungsabhängig / Español: Dependiente de la experiencia / Português: Dependente da experiência / Français: Dépendant de l'expérience / Italiano: Esperienza dipendente /

Experience-dependent is the neural connections that develop in response to experience.

Experience-dependent plasticity refers to a process by which neurons adapt to the specific environment within which a person or animal lives. This is achieved when neurons change their response properties so they become tuned to respond best to stimuli that have been repeatedly experienced in the environment. Please see also Neural plasticity ; Selective rearing.

Experience-dependent Processes (or Experience-dependent Synaptogenesis) refer to processes whereby synapses are formed and maintained as a result of the unique experiences of an individual. In contrast with Experience-expectant Processes.