Glossary E

Endogenous Depression refers to depression that appears to be produced from within, perhaps by chemical imbalances in the brain, rather than as a reaction to life events.
Endogenous opioid refers to substance occurring naturally throughout the body that functions like a Neurotransmitter to shut down pain sensation even in the presence of marked tissue damage. These opioids may contribute to psychological problems such as eating disorders. Endogenous opioid is also known as an Endorphin or Enkephalin.

Endometriosis refers to the inflammation of endometrial tissue sloughed off into the abdominal cavity rather than out of the body during menstruation the condition is characterized by abdominal pain and sometimes infertility.
Endometrium is defined as the inner lining of the uterus.

Endomorph refers to a body type originally described as soft and round, or overweight.

Endomorphy refers to the somatotype category that is rated for roundness/fatness.
Endomysium the inner layer of connective tissue surrounding a muscle fiber.