Deutsch: Exposition / Español: Exposición / Português: Exposição / Français: Exposition / Italiano: Esposizione /

exposure refers to a behavior therapy technique for treating anxiety disorders that exposes the subject to the source of his or her fear while providing appropriate and effective ways of coping with the fear (other than through escape and avoidance ).
Other /More definition:
Exposure refers to a form of treatment in which clients are presented with the stimuli they fear. It is a behavior therapy technique for treating Anxiety disorders that exposes the subject to the source of his or her fear while providing appropriate and effective ways of coping with the fear other than through escape and avoidance.


Exposure in the psychology context refers to the process of confronting a feared stimulus in a controlled and safe environment. This therapeutic technique is commonly used in treating anxiety disorders, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Through repeated exposure to the source of fear, individuals can learn to cope with their anxiety and gradually reduce their distress. Exposure can be conducted in various ways, such as in vivo exposure where the individual faces the fear in real-life situations, or imaginal exposure where the individual vividly imagines the feared situation.

Application Areas

  • Phobias
  • Anxiety Disorders
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  • Social Anxiety

Treatment and Risks

  • Exposure therapy is an effective treatment for anxiety disorders and phobias.
  • Risks may include temporary increase in anxiety during the exposure sessions.
  • Patients should be carefully monitored by a trained therapist during exposure therapy.
  • Exposure therapy should be tailored to the individual's specific needs and abilities.


  • A person with a fear of heights gradually climbs a ladder, starting from a low height and increasing gradually.
  • Someone with social anxiety practices speaking in front of a small group of friends before gradually facing larger audiences.
  • An individual with obsessive-compulsive disorder exposes themselves to a contaminated object without engaging in compulsive behaviors.

Similar Concepts and Synonyms

  • Systematic Desensitization
  • Flooding
  • Gradual Exposure
  • Exposure and Response Prevention
  • Virtual Reality Therapy

Articles with 'Exposure' in the title

  • Cue exposure and response prevention therapy: Cue exposure and response prevention therapy : Cue exposure and response prevention therapy : cue exposure and response prevention therapy refers to an approach used to to reduce relapse among alcoholics by tempting them with stimuli . . .
  • Cue exposure methods: Cue exposure methods: Cue exposure methods refer to a Behavioral approach to Alcohol treatment in which the patient/client is given a Priming dose of alcohol, which initiates the craving for more alcohol, afterwards he/she is then urged to . . .
  • ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention): ERP (Exposure and Response Prevention) : ERP is the acronym of Exposure and Response Prevention which is defined as a method of treating Obsessive Compulsive behavior that involves prolonged exposure to anxiety-arousing events while not . . .
  • Exposure and response prevention: Exposure and response prevention refers to the form of behavior therapy in which clients intentionally approach situations (places, specific animals or insects, body sensations, or thoughts, for example) that make them feel fearful (the . . .
  • Exposure and Ritual Prevention (EX/RP): Exposure and Ritual Prevention (EX/RP) : Exposure and Ritual Prevention (EX/RP) refers to a treatment method used primarily with Obsessive-compulsive disorders in which patients are exposed to the feared stimulus for an hour or more at a . . .
  • Exposure plus response prevention: Exposure plus response prevention : Exposure plus response prevention refers to a behavioral technique usually used for the treatment of Obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD)
  • Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy a type of treatment that includes gradually bringing patients into contact with a feared object or situation- patients learn that the object or situation can be faced and that avoidance is unnecessary
  • Exposure Therapy: Exposure Therapy: Exposure Therapy refers to a form of behavioral therapy that slowly exposes a person to whatever triggers their problem- a form of therapy in which clients are exposed to stimuli or situations for which they have great . . .
  • Mere exposure effect: Mere exposure effect: Mere Exposure Effect refers to the formation of a positive attitude toward a person, place, or thing based solely on repeated exposure to that person, place, or thing- the tendency for novel stimuli to be liked more . . .
  • Overexposure: In psychology, "overexposure" refers to a state in which an individual is subjected to excessive or prolonged exposure to certain stimuli or experiences, often resulting in negative psychological and emotional consequences
  • In vivo exposure: In vivo exposure refers to a technique of Behavior therapy in which clients are encouraged to experience directly the stim uli that they fear.
  • Graded exposure: graded exposure refers to gradual exposure of a subject to a feared situation. Other /More definition: Graded exposure refers to gradual exposure of a subject to a feared situation.
  • Graduated exposure: Graduated exposure refers to a procedure in which clients gradually expose themselves to increasingly greater anxiety-provoking situations. Other /More definition: Graduated exposure refers to a procedure in which clients gradually expose . . .
  • Mere exposure: Mere exposure is the finding that the more exposure humans have to a stimulus, the more apt they are to like it



Exposure in the psychology context involves facing feared stimuli in a controlled setting to reduce anxiety and fear. This therapeutic technique is commonly used in treating anxiety disorders, phobias, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Through repeated exposure, individuals can learn to cope with their fears and gradually reduce their distress. It is essential for exposure therapy to be conducted by a trained therapist and tailored to the individual's specific needs and abilities.


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