Glossary G

Gestalt approach to form perception is a term which is based on the notion that the whole differs from the sum of its individual parts
Gestalt games is defined as "Games" developed by the Gestaltists to emphasize the "rules" of Gestalt therapy. These games may usually involve making prescribed verbalizations or engaging in various role-plays.

Gestalt group therapy refers to a group approach in which the Therapist focuses on one patient at a time and asks that person to experience his or her feelings and behaviors while the other group members are asked to observe or provide feedback to the person in the "hot seat."

Gestalt principles of perceptual organization refer to laws that explain the regularities in the way people come to the perceptual interpretations of stimuli. The emphasis is on the apprehension of whole structures rather on than the detection and assembly of parts of structures.

Gestalt psychology refers to a school of psychology stressing the importance of studying the subjective way in which an object appears in people's minds, rather than the objective, physical attributes of the object

Gestalt theory refers to an approach in psychology which assumes that people’s overall, subjective interpretations of objects are more important than the object’s physical features, and that objects are perceived in their totality, as a unit, rather than in terms of their individual features

Gestalt therapy refers to an approach that focuses on immediate experience and awareness to help clients rebuild thinking, feeling, and acting into connected wholes; emphasizes the integration of fragmented experiences.

Gestation is defined as the period of intra-uterine fetal development. It is the baby's time in womb, the period from conception to birth.