Glossary G
Glossary G
Gender-identity disorder is defined as a disorder in which a child has a strong and persistent identification with the other sex or the gender role of the other sex and is uncomfortable with his or her own biological sex or gender role.
Gender -role identity is defined as a person's identification with the traits regarded as masculine or feminine.
Gender -role nonconformity refers to the theory that looks at the role of early childhood in the development of homosexuality and explores cross-gendered traits in childhood.
Gender-schema theory refers to the theory that states that children want to learn more about an activity only after first deciding whether it is masculine or feminine. It is the view that one's knowledge of the gender schema in one's society, that is; the behavior patterns that are considered appropriate for men and women guides one's assumption of gender-typed preferences and behavior patterns.
Genderlect is a term coined by Deborah Tannen which refers to the fundamental differences between the way men and women communicate.
gene refers to long deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecule, the basic physical unit of heredity that appears as a location on a chromosome.