Deutsch: Allgemeiner kognitiver Index (GKI) / Español: Índice cognitivo general (ICG) / Português: Índice cognitivo geral (ICG) / Français: Indice cognitif général (ICG) / Italiano: Indice cognitivo generale (ICG) /

The General cognitive index (GCI) refers to a standard score with a mean of 100 and standard deviation of 16 in McCarthy's Scales of Children's Abilities.

In psychology, the General Cognitive Index (GCI) is a score derived from intelligence tests that is used to measure an individual's overall cognitive ability. The GCI is typically calculated by combining scores from several different cognitive subtests, such as verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.

Here are some examples of subtests that might be used to calculate an individual's GCI:

  1. Similarities - This subtest assesses an individual's ability to identify commonalities between different objects or concepts. For example, the tester might ask the individual to explain how a car and a bicycle are similar.

  2. Block design - This subtest assesses an individual's ability to visually analyze and manipulate spatial relationships. The tester might ask the individual to arrange a set of blocks to match a specific pattern.

  3. Digit span - This subtest assesses an individual's ability to remember and repeat sequences of numbers. The tester might read a sequence of numbers out loud and ask the individual to repeat them in the same order.

  4. Coding - This subtest assesses an individual's ability to quickly and accurately copy symbols from a key onto a blank sheet of paper. The symbols might include letters, numbers, and other shapes.

  5. Matrix reasoning - This subtest assesses an individual's ability to analyze and complete visual patterns. The tester might show the individual a pattern with one or more missing pieces, and ask them to choose the piece that completes the pattern.

After an individual has completed several different subtests, their scores are combined and used to calculate their GCI. The GCI is typically used as a measure of overall cognitive ability, and can be used to compare an individual's performance to that of other people in their age group. It's important to note, however, that the GCI is just one measure of cognitive ability, and that intelligence is a complex and multifaceted construct that can't be fully captured by a single score.

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