Glossary H

Hemoglobin refers to a heme- which contains protein in red blood cells that is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues. Hemoglobin also serves as a weak buffer within red blood cells.

Hemophilia refers to a genetic disorder in which blood does not clot properly.

Hemorrhage refers to the rupture of an artery. Likewise, Hemorrhage is a type of stroke related to a significant bleeding in the brain. Hemorrhages are the most severe form of stroke

Hemosiderin refers to an insoluble form of iron stored in tissues.

Henry Murray taught at Harvard University for over 30 years and like his psychoanalytic predecessors, Freud and Jung, he believed that personality could be better understood by investigating the unconscious mind. He is most famous for the development of the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT ), a widely used projective measure of personality.

Henry Fielding is the 18th century novelist who laid the foundation for the first modern police force

Henry Hecaen refers to the French Neuropsychologist who was born 1912 who made important contributions to brain-behavior relations in health and disease, especially the role of the ri

- Henry Herbert Goddard (1866-1957) : Henry Herbert Goddard translated Binet's Intelligence test into English and used it to test and classify students with mental retardation. Goddard was an extreme nativist who recommended that those with mental deficiencies be sterilized or institutionalized. The number of immigrants allowed into the United States was greatly reduced, as a result of Goddard's efforts.