Glossary I

Deutsch: Interpretation / Español: Interpretación / Português: Interpretação / Français: Interprétation / Italiano: Interpretazione /

Interpretation is defined as a method in which the psychoanalyst reveals the unconscious meanings of the patient's thoughts and behaviors, hence helping the patient to achieve insight.

Interpretative bias refers to the tendency to interpret ambiguous situations in a negative or threatening way.

Interpreting resistance when patients may resist uncovering repressed material in therapy. Usually, through unconscious processes, patients may show aspects of themselves to the therapist which the therapist then shares with the patient.

Interpretive exercise refers to a test situation that contains a chart, passage, poem, or other material that the pupil must interpret in order to answer the questions posed.
Interpretive hypotheses refer to inferences about the patient's cognitive status that the neuropsychologist makes in the process of interpreting neuropsychological assessment data.

Interprofessional collaboration refers to an effective interpersonal process that is enacted through teamwork or group efforts with professionals from other disciplines including nurses, physicians, neurologists, psychiatrists, psychologists which facilitates the achievement of goals that cannot be reached by one practitioner working alone. Example. A Medical doctors collaborating with a Physical therapist to rehabilitate a stroke victim.

Interquartile range refers to the interval of scores bounded by the 25th and the 75th percentiles.

Deutsch: Interrater / Español: Interjuez / Português: Interavaliador / Français: Inter-évaluateur / Italian: Intervalutatore

Interrater in the psychology context refers to the level of agreement or consistency between different individuals (raters) who independently assess or evaluate the same phenomenon. This concept is crucial in ensuring the reliability and validity of assessments, measurements, and observational studies in psychology.