Intersubjectivity refers to a scientific principle which requires that independent observers see the same thing under the same circumstances for observations to be regarded as valid.
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Intersubjectivity is a term used in Psychoanalysis that refers to the view that both analyst and patient influence each other in therapy.
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Intersubjectivity refers to the mutual, shared understanding among participants in an activity
In Vygotsky's Theory, Intersubjectivity refers to a a process by which two (2) individuals with different views about a task adjust those views so they become more similar.
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Intersubjectivity refers to the ability to share meaning, intentions, and goals with a social partner.
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Intersubjectivity refers to a shared repertoire of emotions that enables infants and their caregivers to understand each other and create shared meanings. They can engage in reciprocal, rhythmic interactions, appreciate state changes in one another, and modify their actions in response to emotional information about one another.