Glossary L

Latency stage a stage according to Freud is the period of psychosexual development, following the phallic stage, in which libidinal drives are quelled and children's energy turns toward the development of skills and interests and toward becoming fully socialized to the world; the opposite sex is avoided. Latency stage follows the phallic stage, there is a relatively calm period before adolescence. When Oedipal issues are resolved, the child enters the latency period.

Latent is defined as a state in which a disorder is present and capable of becoming evident but is not yet obvious or active.

Latent content is what a dream is actually about; the symbolic meaning of a dream's events.

In Freud's theory, Latent content refers to the underlying or "true" meaning of a dream that

Latent dream is a term in Freud's theory that refers to the underlying or "true" meaning of a dream

Latent dream content is defined as the hidden or symbolic meaning of a dream, as revealed by dream interpretation and analysis.

Latent extinction refers to the finding that animals who passively experience a goal box no longer containing reinforcement extinguish a previously learned response to that goal box significantly faster than animals without such experience.

Latent inhibition refers to the phenomenon whereby a familiar stimulus is more difficult to condition as a CS than is an unfamiliar/novel stimulus.

Latent Investigation is defined as an investigation involving all aspect of the investigative process.