Lateral means located toward the side, away from the midline.

In psychology, the term "lateral" might be used in a few different ways, depending on the context. Here are a few possible uses of the term:

  • In the context of neuroscience, "lateral" might refer to the side or direction of the brain. For example, the lateral aspect of the brain might refer to the outer surface of the brain, as opposed to the medial (inner) aspect.
  • In the context of psychology, the term "lateral" might also be used to describe something that is related to or involving the sides of the body or the left and right sides of the brain. For example, a person might talk about "lateral movements" to refer to movements that involve the arms or legs moving to the side, or "lateral thinking" to refer to a problem-solving approach that involves looking at things from different perspectives or angles.

Here are a few examples of how the term "lateral" might be used in psychology:

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