Glossary M
Glossary M
Mean length of utterance (MLU) refers to a measure of language development defined by the average number of meaningful language units (root words and endings) a child uses at any one time. Mean length of utterance (MLU), moreover, is defined as the common measure of grammatical development. It is the average length of the utterances in a sample of spontaneous speech, often counted in terms of the number of morphemes.
Mean treatment effect size is defined as a statistic for representing the size of the effect of an experimental manipulation on behavior it is calculated by subtracting the mean of the control group from the mean of the treatment group and dividing by the standard deviation of the control group.
Meaning reconstruction refer to efforts to make sense of loss by finding or creating new meaning in the death of the loved one and in the new life of the bereaved person. Neimeyer has written about the importance for bereaved persons of engaging in a process of reconstruring meaning in their lives and has asserted that "meaning reconstruction" in response to loss is the central process in grieving.
Meaningfulness is a concept in psychology that refers to the extent to which something is perceived as having significance, purpose, or value to an individual. It is a fundamental component of human experience and plays a crucial role in how we interpret and respond to the world around us.
Measurement refers to the process of assigning numbers or categories to performance according to rules and standards, example, scoring a test ; the systematic assignment of numbers or names to objects or attributes of objects.