Glossary M

Management by objectives refers to a management technique in which employees are given specific goals to meet in their work.

Management teams is a term used in industrial and organizational psychology that refer to teams that coordinate, manage, advice, and direct employees and teams.

Management techniques refer to techniques used to enforce child discipline such as combining praise, recognition, approval, rules, and reasoning.

Management-by-objectives mean each management team identifies its key tasks and goals and use these as a yardstick against which performance is measured.

Managerial Grid refers to a measure of leadership that classifies a leader into one of five leadership styles.

Managerial resourcefulness refers to the managerial characteristics that includes flexibility, creativity in problem solving in the workplace, particularly when facing new problems and changing conditions.

Deutsch: Stressbewältigung / Español: Manejo del estrés / Português: Gestão de Estresse / Français: Gestion du stress / Italiano: Gestione dello stress

In psychology, managing stress refers to the variety of techniques and psychological strategies employed to control an individual’s level of stress, especially chronic stress, to improve everyday functioning. Managing stress involves identifying stressors, implementing effective coping mechanisms, and modifying behavioral responses to reduce the psychological and physical impacts of stress.

Mandala refers to a circular design representing balance, unity, and completion. Mandala is a symbolic representation of the unified wholeness of the Self. Usually, it has four (4) sections representing an effort to achieve wholeness in the four (4) sections, such as the four directions of the winds.