Deutsch: Nichtäquivalent / Español: No equivalente / Português: Não equivalente / Français: Non équivalent / Italiano: Non equivalente

Nonequivalent in the psychology context refers to groups or conditions that are not identical in terms of characteristics or properties at the outset of a study or experiment. This term is often used in research designs and statistical analyses to describe groups that differ in key aspects before any intervention or treatment is applied. In psychological research, nonequivalent groups may arise in quasi-experimental designs, where participants are not randomly assigned to experimental and control groups, potentially leading to pre-existing differences between the groups. These differences can affect the validity of the conclusions drawn from the study, as it may be unclear whether observed outcomes are due to the experimental manipulation or to pre-existing disparities between the groups.


In psychology, addressing the issue of nonequivalent groups is crucial for interpreting the results of research accurately. Researchers often use statistical controls, matching techniques, or longitudinal studies to minimize the impact of nonequivalencies and to isolate the effects of the independent variable being studied. The challenge of nonequivalent groups highlights the importance of careful study design and analysis in psychological research, especially when random assignment is not feasible.


Nonequivalent groups in psychology research can lead to confounding variables that obscure the relationship between the independent and dependent variables. For instance, if one group has a significantly higher level of baseline motivation than another in a study examining the effects of a new educational technique, any difference in outcomes might be attributable to motivation rather than the educational technique itself. To mitigate such issues, researchers may employ various methodologies, including:

  • Propensity score matching: Matching participants across groups based on similar characteristics or scores to reduce differences.
  • Covariate analysis: Statistically adjusting for differences between groups in the analysis phase.
  • Mixed designs: Incorporating both between-subjects (different groups) and within-subjects (same individuals over time) approaches to control for nonequivalent variables.

Application Areas

  • Educational Psychology: Investigating the efficacy of teaching methods on different classroom settings where random assignment is not possible.
  • Clinical Psychology: Evaluating the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions in naturalistic settings with patients who cannot be randomly assigned to treatment conditions.
  • Social Psychology: Studying the impact of social phenomena where participants’ pre-existing differences play a role in the outcome.


  • A study comparing the academic performance of students from two schools, one with a new educational curriculum (experimental group) and one with a traditional curriculum (control group), without random assignment.
  • Research assessing the effectiveness of a new therapy for depression by comparing patients who choose the therapy versus those who opt for standard care.


The presence of nonequivalent groups poses a significant risk to the internal validity of a study, making it difficult to ascertain cause-and-effect relationships. Researchers must carefully consider these limitations when designing studies and interpreting results, acknowledging potential biases and confounds that may arise from nonequivalent groupings.

Articles with 'Nonequivalent' in the title

  • Nonequivalent control group design: Nonequivalent control group design refers to a research design in which the researcher does not randomly assign individuals to groups but rather uses pre-existing groups, with one group serving in the treatment condition and another group s . . .
  • Nonequivalent group design: Nonequivalent group design refers to a research study in which the different groups of participants are formed under circumstances that do not permit the researcher to control the assignment of individuals to groups and the groups of partic . . .
  • Nonequivalent control group: Nonequivalent control group : Nonequivalent control group is a control group that is similar to the experimental group but is not created by the random assignment of subjects
  • Posttest-only Design with Nonequivalent groups: Posttest-only Design with Nonequivalent groups: Posttest-only design with non-equivalent groups refers to a nonexperimental design in which one group is exposed to one level of an independent variable and a second group chosen using a . . .
  • Posttest-only nonequivalent control group design: Posttest-only nonequivalent control group design refers to a nonexperimental design in which one group is observed (measured) after receiving a treatment, and a second, nonequivalent group is measured at the same time but receives no . . .
  • Pretest-Posttest nonequivalent control group design: Pretest-Posttest nonequivalent control group design refers to a quasi-experimental research design that compares two (2) nonequivalent groups- one group is measured twice, once before treatment is administered and once after


In the context of psychology, "nonequivalent" refers to groups or conditions within a study that do not start off with the same characteristics, potentially leading to biased results if not properly addressed. This concept underscores the challenges and considerations necessary to ensure the validity and reliability of psychological research, especially in quasi-experimental designs where random assignment to groups is not possible.


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