Glossary O

Olympian religion refers to the religion based on a belief in the Olympian gods as they were described in the Homeric poems. Olympian religion tended to be favored by the privileged classes, whereas peasants, laborers, and slaves tended to favor the more mystical Dionysiac-Orphic religion. Please see also Dionysiac-Orphic religion.

Ombudsperson is a person who investigates employees’ complaints and solves problems.

OMD is the abbreviations of Organic mental disorder that refers to a mental or emotional problem caused by brain diseases or injuries. (see Organic mental disorder)
Omega strategies are attempts to persuade others by decreasing avoidance forces
Omerta refers to the informal, unwritten code of organized Crime which demands silence and loyalty, among other things, of family

Omission is a response to communication overload that involves the conscious decision not to process certain types of information.
Omission bias refers to the tendency to take whatever course of action does not require you to do anything Omission bias is also called the Default option

Ommatidia is the structure in the eye of the Limulus that contains a small lens, located directly over a visual receptor. The Limulus eye is made up of hundreds of these Ommatidia. The Limulus eye has been used for research on lateral inhibition because its receptors are large enough so that stimulation can be applied to individual receptors.