Glossary O

Ocular dominance column refers to a column in the visual cortex that contains neurons that respond best to stimulation of the same eye.

Oculesics is the use of the eyes in a communication setting. Whereas in most Western cultures, the use of direct eye contact symbolises listening and attention, direct eye contact is seen as unfavourable by, for example, various Asian cultures. The length of the eye contact is also a cultural variable, as it might extend to become perceived as aggression when used for too long, or as uninterested, when perceived too short.

Oculomotor cue refers to depth cue that depends on our ability to sense the position of our eyes and the tension in our eye muscles. Accommodation and convergence are Oculomotor cues.

ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder ) : ODD is the acronym of Oppositional defiant disorder which refers to a disruptive behavior disorder of childhood that is characterized by undue hostility, stubbornness, strong temper, belligerence, spitefulness, and self-righteousness.

Odd-eccentric personality disorders are disorders that include paranoid, schizotypal, and schizoid personality disorders which is marked by chronic odd and/or inappropriate behavior with mild features of psychosis and/or paranoia

Odds ratio refers to ratio of the odds of an event occurring in one group to the odds of it occurring in another group. An odds ratio of 1 suggests the phenomenon is equally likely in both groups. An odds ratio greater than 1 suggests the phenomenon is more likely to occur in the first group.
Oedipal complex is a term which according to Freud refers to a child's erotically tinged desires for the other-sex parent, accompanied by feelings of hostility toward the same-sex parent.

Oedipal morality is Freud’s theory that moral development occurs during the phallic period (ages 3 to 6) when children internalize the moral standards of the same-sex parent as they resolve their Oedipus or Electra conflicts