Glossary P

Pleura refers to a thin lining of cells that is attached to the inside of the chest wall and to the lung; the cells secrete a fluid that facilitates the movements of the lungs in the

PLMS is the abbreviations of Periodic Limb Movements in Sleep that refers to a sleeping disorder in which the patient's arms or legs jerk during sleep, causing brief arousals. (see also Periodic limb movement disorder)

Plot refers to actions that take place in the story. Plots may have several episodes and/or actions. The story may be told more than once. Different plots or views of the plot may develop.

Plotinus (205 - 270) refers to a Neo-Platonist who emphasized the importance of embracing the soul through introspection. These subjective experiences were more important and informative than physical experiences.

PLSI is the abbreviations of Paragon Learning Style Inventory that refers to a 52-item learning style inventory that can be self -scored and obtains a measure of the 4 Jungian psychological/learning dimensions.

Pluralism refers to the belief that there are multiple perspectives on an issue, each of which contains part of the truth but none of which contain the whole truth.

Pluralistic ignorance refers to a false impression of how other people are thinking, feeling, or responding. Likewise, Pluralistic ignorance is defined as a social psychological phenomenon that occurs when people misread other people's behaviors and assume their own thoughts and feelings are unique. The phenomenon whereby bystanders assume that nothing is wrong in an emergency, because no one else looks concerned is an example of Pluralistic ignorance

Pluralistic perspective refers to an analytical approach to social organization which holds that a multiplicity of Values and beliefs exist in any Complex society, but that most social actor