Glossary S

Sexual masochist refers to a person who derives sexual satisfaction from experiencing pain.
Sexual mixing refers to the extent to which people engage in sexual activities with sexual partners from other sexual networks (dis-sortative mating) versus partners from their own ne

Sexual pain disorder refers to recurring genital pain in either males or females before, during, or after sexual intercourse. Sexual pain disorder is also known as Dyspareunia.

Sexual preference (or sexual orientation) refers to a person's preference for the same or opposite sex partners, eg, homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual.

Sexual response refer to the series of physiological and psychological changes that occur in the body during sexual behavior.

The Sexual response cycle refers to the four-stage model of sexual arousal proposed by William Masters and Virginia Johnson. William Masters and Virginia Johnson, prominent sex researchers and

Sexual sadism refers to paraphilia in which sexual gratification or sexual Arousal is obtained through or associated with inflicting pain or harm and humiliation on one's partner.