Glossary T
Glossary T
Transsexual refers to a person who would prefer to be a person of the other sex and who may undergo hormone treatments, cosmetic surgery, or both to achieve the appearance of being a member of the other sex.
Moreover, Transsexual is person with a deep conflict between his or her biological sex and preferred psychological and social gender roles.
Transsexualism refers to term sometimes used to refer to gender identity disorder, specifically pertaining to individuals choosing to undergo sex reassignment surgery.
It is the condition of feeling trapped in the body of the wrong gender
Transsexuals refer to people who experience chronic discomfort with their gender and genitals as well as a desire to get rid of their genitals and to live as a member of the opposite sex
Transtheoretical Model refers to the major theory of health behavior change that identifies common themes across different intervention theories and notes that we process through different stages as we think about, attempt to, and finally change any specific behavior.
Transtheoretical Model also refers to the stages humans progress through during behavior change.
Transudation refers to the production of vaginal lubrication because of sweating of vaginal tissue engorged with blood during vasocongestion
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Transudation refers to the lubrication of the vagina during sexual arousal.
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Transudation refers to the lubrication of the vagina during sexual arousal.
Transverse plane is a plane that divides the body horizontally into superior and inferior halves. Transverse plane is also known as Horizontal plane.