Glossary W

witness preparation means helping witnesses present their testimony more effectively without changing the facts to which their testimony is directed. Forensic psychologists may be consulted to assist with many aspects of witness preparation, such as preparing them for the sheer experience of being a witness in the courtroom; making recommendations as to their appearance, the manner in which they present facts, and many others

Deutsch: Wackeligkeit / Español: Inestabilidad / Português: Instabilidade / Français: Instabilité / Italiano: Instabilità

Wobbliness in the psychology context refers to a state of emotional or cognitive instability, uncertainty, or lack of balance. It is not a formal psychological term but can be used to describe feelings of unpredictability or shakiness in one’s mental or emotional state. Wobbliness often manifests during periods of stress, anxiety, or transition, where a person feels less grounded or secure in their thoughts, emotions, or actions.

Wolffian ducts refers to early precursors to male reproductive structures. It is one of a pair of structures in the embryo that, when exposed to testosterone, will develop into the male reproductive system.

Wolfgang Köhler (1887 -1967) worked with Wertheimer on his early perception experiments. Köhler is considered a co-founder of the school of Gestalt psychology.
Womb envy refers to Karen Horney's theory of men's envy of women's ability to bear children or the concept that men and boys experience jealousy over women's ability to bear and nurse children.

Women’s suffrage refers to the movement to get women the right to vote.

Deutsch: Wunder / Español: Asombro / Português: Maravilha / Français: Merveille / Italian: Meraviglia

Wonder in the psychology context refers to a complex emotional and cognitive experience characterized by a sense of amazement, awe, curiosity, and admiration. It is often triggered by encountering something extraordinary, novel, or inexplicable that challenges existing understanding and evokes a deep sense of curiosity and exploration.

Wonderlic Personnel Test refers to the cognitive ability test that is most commonly used in industry.