Glossary D

Decoy Operations refers to the use of Police officers as "victims" which is used as a proactive attempt to detect criminal activities
Decriminalization refers to the reduction of
(of drugs) criminal penalties associated with the personal possession of a control

Decussating means switching the transmission of information from one side of the body to the contralateral side of the brain.

Dedication in the psychology context refers to the wholehearted commitment and perseverance towards a particular goal, task, or purpose. It involves unwavering focus, effort, and enthusiasm to achieve one's objectives. Dedication is a trait associated with determination, passion, and a strong sense of purpose, and it plays a significant role in personal and professional success.

Deduction is defined as the method of reasoning by which conclusions must follow from certain assumptions, principles, or concepts. If there are five people in a room, for example, one can deduce that there are also four; or if it is assumed that everything in nature exists for a purpose, then one can conclude that humans, too, exist for a purpose. Deductive reasoning proceeds from the general to the particular. It is the use of a general statement as the basis for reaching a conclusion about specific examples. Deduction is also known as Deductive reasoning.

Deductive reasoning refers to the process of reasoning from one or more general statements regarding what is known to reach a logically certain conclusion; drawing conclusions from facts or from only the given premises; reasoning from a known principle to an unknown; from the general to the specific; from a premise to a logical conclusion.

Deductive thought refers to thought that applies a general set of rules to specific situations, as in the use of the Laws of gravity to predict the behavior of a single falling object.

Deductive validity refers to a property of some logical arguments such that it is impossible for the premises to be true and the conclusion(s) to be false. It also means logical soundness.