Glossary D

Declarative metacognition refers to the explicit, conscious, and factual knowledge a person has about the characteristics of the task he or she is performing, one's own weak and strong points with respect to performing the task, and the possible strategies that could be used on the task.

Declarative or episodic learning refers to learning about a specific event or fact, usually accessible to consciousness.

Decode refers to the use the alphabetic principle (that each letter represents a sound) to sound out the phonemes of a word and then blend those phonemes into a recognizable word.

Decoding is when individual learn to interpret the meaning of the nonverbal behavior other people express, such as deciding that a pat on the back was an expression of condescension and not kindness.

Decomposition refers to an arithmetic strategy in which children transform the original problem into two (2) or more simpler problems.

Deconcentration refers to the shifting of workload from central government ministry headquarters to staff located in offices outside of the national capital.

Decontextualized language refers to language that is separated in time or place from its referent.

Decontextualized language use refers to language use in which the words stand on their own without support from the non-linguistic context.