Glossary H

Hypochondriacs is defined as a psychological disorder characterized by excessive preoccupation with one’s health and constant worry about developing physical illnesses. Also refers to people who are constantly worried about their health

Hypochondriasis refers to Somatoform disorder involving severe anxiety over belief in having a disease process without any evident physical cause.

Hypocrisy induction refers to a technique for effecting behavior change by confronting people with the inconsistency between their attitudes and their behavior.

Hypocrisy paradigm is defined as a research methodology used to test Dissonance theory, which arouses dissonance by having people publicly promote a socially desirable behavior and then be made aware that they have not always exhibited the behavior themselves in the past

Hypodensity refers to a low density of brain mass.
Hypogeusia means diminished taste sensitivity.

Hypoglycemia refers to a a condition characterized by low blood sugar.

Hypomania refers to a condition similar to mania but less severe. The symptoms of Hypomania are elevated mood, increased activity, decreased need for sleep, grandiosity, racing thoughts, and the like.