Glossary H

Hypothermia refers to a Condition in which heat is lost from the body faster than it is produced.

hypothesis means educated guess or statement to be tested by research.

Hypothesis formation process refers to the stage of Research in which the researcher generates ideas about a cause-effect relationship between the behaviors under study.

Hypothesis test refers to an inferential statistical procedure that uses sample data to evaluate the Credibility of a hypothesis about a population. A hypothesis test determines wheth

Hypothesis testing refers to an inductive reasoning strategy that involves testing a number of possible solutions to a problem and modifying them based on feedback.

Hypothetical constructs refer to imagined entity created by scientists to aid in explanation and investigation. Moreover, Hypothetical constructs refer to concepts that are not themselves directly measurable or observable but that serve as mental models for understanding how a psychological phenomenon works.

Hypothetico-deductive reasoning refers to a style of problem solving in which all possible solutions to a problem are generated and then systematically evaluated to determine the corr

Hypothetico-deductive theory refers to a set of postulates from which empirical relationships are deduced (predicted). If the empirical relationships are as predicted, the Theory gai