Idea is defined as a mental event that lingers after impressions or sensations have ceased.

In the psychology context, an idea refers to a thought, concept, or belief that is held by an individual or group of people. Ideas are important in psychology because they can influence people's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

There are many different types of ideas that might be studied in psychology, including personal beliefs, cultural values, social norms, and moral principles. Here are a few examples of ideas in the psychology context:

  1. Personal beliefs: Personal beliefs are ideas that are held by an individual about themselves, others, and the world around them. Personal beliefs may be based on past experiences, cultural values, or other influences, and can shape how people think and behave.

  2. Cultural values: Cultural values are ideas that are shared by a particular group or culture and that shape their beliefs, behaviors, and social norms. For example, in some cultures, the value of collectivism (emphasizing the importance of the group over the individual) may be more prominent than in others.

  3. Social norms: Social norms are ideas about what is acceptable or expected behavior in a particular social group or context. Social norms can vary widely across different cultures and groups and can influence how people act and interact with others.

  4. Moral principles: Moral principles are ideas about what is right or wrong, good or bad, based on an individual's or a group's values and beliefs. Moral principles may influence people's decision-making and behavior, particularly in situations where there are competing values or goals.

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