Glossary / Lexicon
Deutsch: Psychologie Ereignisse im Jahr 2022 / Español: Eventos de Psicología en 2022 / Português: Eventos de Psicologia em 2022 / Français: Événements de Psychologie en 2022 / Italiano: Eventi di Psicologia nel 2022
In the context of psychology, the year 2022 was marked by several pivotal events and developments that highlighted the ongoing evolution of the field and its impact on society. The events of 2022 underscored the significance of mental health awareness, the introduction of innovative therapies, and the expansion of research into the psychological effects of global challenges.
Deutsch: Dominanz / Español: dominación / Português: dominação / Français: domination / Italiano: dominazione
Domination in the psychology context refers to a behaviour or personality trait characterised by exerting control, power, or influence over others. This can manifest in relationships, social interactions, or organisational settings and is often driven by a need for authority, superiority, or control. Domination may be expressed through assertiveness, but at its extreme, it can become manipulative, coercive, or abusive.
Deutsch: Generalisierte Angststörung / Español: Trastorno de ansiedad generalizada / Português: Transtorno de ansiedade generalizada / Français: Trouble d'anxiété généralisée / Italiano: Disturbo d'ansia generalizzato
Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic psychological condition characterised by excessive and uncontrollable worry about various aspects of daily life. Individuals with GAD often experience persistent anxiety that is disproportionate to the actual circumstances and struggle to manage these feelings, which may interfere with daily functioning.
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In the psychology context, improvement refers to the process or outcome of making positive changes in one's behavior, emotional state, cognitive abilities, or overall psychological well-being. It can involve various forms of personal development, including increasing self-awareness, overcoming psychological barriers, enhancing emotional regulation, and acquiring new skills or coping mechanisms. Improvement in psychology is often the goal of therapeutic interventions, educational programs, and self-help efforts, aiming to enhance an individual's quality of life, foster resilience, and promote mental health.
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