Glossary A

Anomaly means irregularity; abnormality, something that is inconsistent with the normal condition
Anomia refer to problems in word finding. Only a word or two, here and there, is lost, and the communication can proceed pretty much as normal. In more severe cases, most or all words can be lost. Moreover, Anomia is the difficulty of recalling names of objects

Anomic suicide refers to suicide undertaken when society is unable or unwilling to help its members in regulating their desires ; a sociological category in which suicide is said to arise from social underregulation or sudden withdrawal of social control (lawlessness or normless). Anomic suicide is committed by people who experience a severe disorientation and role confusion because of a large change in their relationship to society

Anomie refers to a social condition in which norms are uncertain or lacking. Anomie was a theory developed by Emile Durkheim which holds that normlessness and social isolation are symptoms of a dysfunctional society and the causes of deviant behavior.

Anonymity is the practice of ensuring that an individual''s name is not directly associated with the information or measurements obtained from that individual. Keeping records anonymous is a

Anopias refers to a term for visual difficulties

Anorectic effects causing one to lose appetite; Suppression of eating

Anorexia is a disorder in which individuals are unable to eat food, may have a severe decrease in appetite, and have an intense fear of becoming obese even when emaciated.