Glossary A

Areas of dysfunction approach refers to one of four (4) approaches to intuitive-logical clinical thinking at Step 2 of the inverted pyramid method of case conceptualization. Using this approach, the counselor looks for life roles and themes. Clinical thinking using this approach organizes client issues by common denominators according to problematic themes of every day life.

Argument is a term used in the rational method which is a set of premise statements that are logically combined to yield a conclusion.

Arguments that oppose suicidal behavior generally depend on psychological concerns (example, that such behavior is most often motivated by treatable depression or ambivalence ) or religious beliefs (example, that life ultimately belongs to God or that suicide is forbidden by some sacred writing)

- Aristarchus of Samos (ca. 310- 230 B.C.) : Aristarchus of Samos is sometimes called the Copernicus of antiquity who speculated that the planets, including the earth, rotate around the sun and that the earth rotates on its own axis, and he did so almost 1,700 years before Copernicus.

Aristotle (Greek, 384–322 B.C.) was a disciple of Plato erroneously believed that the heart is the source of all mental processes.

Arithmetic mean refers to an average that is calculated by adding up a set of quantities and dividing the sum by the total number of quantities in the set.

Army Alpha refers to an intelligence test which wasdeveloped during World War I and used by the army for soldiers who can r