Glossary A

Agitated depression refers to depressed mood accompanied by a state of tension or restlessness. Person shows excessive motor activity, as he or she may, for example, be unable to sit still or may pace, wring the hands, or pull at his or her clothes

Agitation in the Psychology Context: Understanding, Coping, and Healing

In psychology, agitation refers to a state of heightened restlessness, emotional turmoil, or nervousness. This psychological phenomenon can manifest in various ways and is often associated with feelings of discomfort, unease, and sometimes even aggression. Agitation can be a symptom of underlying psychological conditions, stress, or environmental factors. Understanding the concept of agitation is crucial for recognizing its impact on mental health, identifying its causes and triggers, offering recommendations for coping and self-care, and exploring treatment options for those who experience chronic or severe agitation. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the concept of agitation in psychology, provide numerous examples of its applications, offer recommendations for managing agitation, discuss the psychological effects of chronic agitation, and list some similar concepts within the field of psychology.

Agnosia refers to the inability to identify objects, inability to organise sensory information so as to recognise objects (e.g.

Agonist refers to a drug that effectively mimics the action of a natural chemical messenger within the body.

Agonist substitution refers to the replacement of a drug on which a person is dependent with, with another one that has a similar chemical makeup, an agonist. It is used as a treatment for substance dependence.

Agonistic displays refers to threatening gestures, stares, poses, or displays intended to intimidate others

Agoraphobia refers to the fear of public places or open spaces; agoraphobics try to avoid being in situations from which they think escape would be difficult or help and safety are not readily available; this is often diagnosed in conjunction with panic disorder

Other definition:
Agoraphobia refers to the intense Anxiety about being trapped or stranded in a situation without help if a panic attack occurs.

Agoraphobia (without panic ) refers to the fear that something extremely embarrassing will happen if one leaves the house or enters unfamiliar situations.