Glossary A

Alveoli refer to microscopic air sacs located in the lung where gas exchange occurs between respiratory gases and the blood. They are small, saclike structures at the end of the bronchioles; the site of oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange; where the airways (bronchi) that branch into smaller and smaller bronchioles end.

Deutsch: Alzheimer / Español: Alzheimer / Português: Alzheimer / Français: Alzheimer / Italiano: Alzheimer

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that primarily affects cognitive functioning, leading to severe memory loss, impaired thinking skills, and changes in behavior and personality. It is one of the most common forms of senility among the elderly; involves a progressive loss of memory and other cognitive functions.

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurological disease that is the most common cause of dementia

Alzheimer's disease refers to a progressive, irreversible disease characterized by degeneration of the brain cells and commonly leading to severe dementia.

Alzheimer’s-type dementia refers to a chronic progressive disorder that begins with mild memory loss, progressing to deterioration of intellectual functioning, personality changes, and speech and language problems; this type accounts for more than 50 percent of all dementias
Amacrine cells refer to neuron that transmits signals laterally in the retina. Amacrine cells Synapse with bipolar cells and ganglion cells.

Along with horizontal cells, Amacrine c

Japanese term or concept that refers to an infant"s feeling of total dependance on his or her mother and presumption of the mother"s love and indulgence

Amantadine is a synthetic antiviral agent that also has strong antiparkinsonian properties. It is sold in the United States under the brand name Symmetrel, and is also available under