Glossary A

Anal-expulsive character (Freud) refers to a character type that results from a fixation at the early anal stage.

Anal-retentive character (Freud) refers to a character type that results from a fixation at the late anal stage.

Analgesia refers to pain relief produced without a loss of consciousness

Analgesic drugs refers to drugs that decrease the perception of pain.

Analog (Analogue) refers to: (1) A chemical compound or agent that is similar to another in structure yet differs concerning a particular element ; it may have a similar or different mode of action ; and (2) A tissue, organ, or other bodily structure that has the same function or organization as another yet has a different evolutionary origin.

Analog computer refers to a computer that represents variables as changing in a continuous rather than discrete fashion, in contrast with a digital computer.

Analog model refers to the approach to research that employs subjects who are similar to clinical clients, allowing replication of a clinical problem under controlled conditions.

- Analog study : Analog study refers to a study conducted in the laboratory under conditions that are purportedly analogous to real life.