Glossary A

Anaxagoras (ca. 500_428 B.C.) he postulated an infinite number of elements (seeds) from which everything is made.

Anaximander (ca. 610_547 B.C.) he suggested the infinite or boundless as the physis and formulated a rudimentary theory of evolution.

Anchoring refers to a decision-making Heuristic in which final estimates are heavily influenced by initial value estimates.

Anchoring and adjustment refers to the tendency to judge the frequency or likelihood of an event by using a starting point which is called an anchor and then making adjustments up or down

Anchoring and adjustment heuristic is a mental shortcut that involves using a number or value as a starting point, and then adjusting one's answer away from this anchor; people often do not adjust their answer sufficiently.

Anchorite also called Anchoret refers to one who lives in seclusion; a hermit.

Androcentrism refers to a position of viewing the world with the male at the center.

Androgen refers to a hormone that promotes the Development of male genitals and secondary sex characteristics. It is produced by the testes in men and by the Adrenal glands in both men and