Glossary A
Glossary A
Alcohol myopia refers to shortsighted thinking and perception that occurs during alcohol intoxication.
Likewise, Alcohol myopia is defined as the tendency for intoxication to reduce cognitive capacity, which results in a narrowing of attention.
Alcohol-induced dementia refers to the loss of intellectual abilities due to prolonged alcohol abuse, including memory, abstract thinking, judgment, and problem solving, often accompanied by changes in personality, such as increase in paranoia.
Alcohol-induced persisting amnesic disorder refers to a permanent cognitive disorder caused by damage to the central nervous system due to prolonged alcohol abuse, consisting of Wernicke's encephalopathy and Korsakoff's psychosis.
Aldosterone refers to a corticosteroid hormone involved in the regulation of electrolyte balance; an adrenal hormone that causes the kidneys to conserve sodium when excreting urine.