Glossary A
Glossary A
Alpha wave is defined as the the brain wave of 8 to 12 cycles per second that occurs when an individual is awake but deeply relaxed, usually with the eyes closed
Alpha wave refer to the rhythm of 8 to 12 brain waves per second which is generally associated with relaxation.
Alpha waves also refer large, slow brain waves which are associated with relaxation and falling asleep.
Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) assay refers to a blood test that assesses the mother's blood level of alpha-fetoprotein, a substance that is linked with fetal neural tube defects.
Alphabetic principle refers to the association of letters with phonemes that characterizes English and other alphabetic writing systems.
Alphonse Bertillon is the founder of Anthropometrics. Bertillon is revered in some quarters as the pioneer of human identification "sciences" by his development of anthropometry, but he did not engage in the kind of "scientific research" that would have satisfied the strict Daubert-factor devotees when he announced his system of identification by bodily measurements.