Glossary A

Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) refer to abnormal, usually redundant vessels which result in abnormal blood flow. Because AVMs have inherently weak vessel walls, they may lead to slow bleeding or inadequate distribution of blood in the regions surrounding the vessels.

Deutsch: Arthritis / Español: Artritis / Português: Artrite / Français: Arthrite / Italiano: Artrite

Arthritis in the psychology context refers to the study of the psychological impacts and considerations related to living with arthritis, a chronic condition characterized by inflammation of the joints. This encompasses the emotional, cognitive, and behavioral aspects of managing and coping with arthritis, as well as the psychological interventions that can support individuals with this condition.

Arthrodial joints are joints in which bones glide on each other in limited movement, as in the bones of the wrist (carpal) or the bones of the foot (tarsal).

Arthrokinematics refers to the motion between the actual articular surfaces of the bones at a joint.

Arthur Benton refers to American Neuropsychologist who pioneered the role of the right cerebral hemisphere in behavior.

Articular cartilage refers to cartilage that covers the ends of bones in a synovial joint.

Articulation refers to the ability to form phonetic sounds of vowels and consonants, which then are placed in different combinations to form words and sentences.
Articulation Disorder refers to the inability to produce Speech sounds (phonemes) correctly because of the imprecise pressure, timing, placement, speed or flow of movement of the lips