Glossary A

Assisted living refers to housing or living arrangements for the elderly, infirm, or disabled, in which housekeeping, meals, medical care, and other assistance is available to residen

Assisted living facilities refer to a supportive living arrangement for people who need assistance with activities of daily livings (ADLs) or individual activities of daily livings (I

The Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) uses fresh, as opposed to frozen, non-donor eggs or embryos. The egg is harvested from the woman who is trying to become pregnant, fertilized, and then, if the fertilization is successful, transferred to the uterus.

Assisted suicide refers to suicide committed with the assistance of a physician by a person terminally ill or in unmanageable pain
Other /More definition:
Assisted suicide refer to actions in which one person intentionally acts to end his or her life and secures assistance from another individual who intends to help the first person achieve that result.

Assistive devices refer to tools that enable individuals with disabilities to perform essential job functions ; for example, adapted computer keyboards, telephone headsets, enhanced co

Associated features refer to clinical features that are not part of the diagnostic criteria for a particular mental disorder, but may frequently occur in association with the disorder.

Englisch: Vereinigung
Association refers to a linkage between two psychological processes or representations as a result of past experience in which the two have occurred together.

- Association area (association cortex) : Association area (association cortex) refers to all areas of the cerebral cortex that are not primarily sensory or motor in function.