Glossary A

Androgen hormone refers to any steroid hormone, primarily produced by the testes, that has a "masculinizing" effect on development. Effects include the masculinization of the fetus, producti

Androgen insensitivity refers to a Condition in which a person lacks the mechanism that enables Androgens to bind to Genes in a cell's nucleus.

- Androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS) : Androgen-insensitivity syndrome (AIS) refers to a condition in which a genetic male’s cells are insensitive to androgens, resulting in the development of female external genitalia (but no internal reproductive organs). People with AIS are raised as females.

Androgenic steroid refers to a compound that has the qualities of an androgen; associated with masculine characteristics.

Androgenized females refer to females who develop male-like external genitalia because of exposure to male sex hormones during the prenatal period

Androgens refers to a group of naturally occurring steroid hormones produced by both men and women

Other definition:
Androgens refer to hormones that stimulate sebaceous glands in addition to other effects on the body.

Androgyny refers to the possession of both "female” and "male” gender-role characteristics.

Andropause refers to a period of time in a man’s life, usually during his 70's or 80's, when testosterone decreases, causing a decrease in spermatogenesis, a thinner ejaculate, a decrease in ejaculatory pressure, decreased muscle strength, increased fatigue, and mood disturbances. Moreover, it is the hormonal changes accompanying old age in men that correspond to Menopause in women.