Glossary A

Arachnoid granulations refer to small "pockets" of cauliflower-like veins within the sub-arachnoid space, which serve as pathways for the sub-arachnoid cerebrospinal fluid to be absorbed and re-enter the venous circulation.
Arachnoid membrane refers to a "spiderlike" avascular membrane of the meninges.

Arachnophobia refers to an abnormal and persistent fear of spiders. Sufferers from arachnophobia experience undue anxiety even though they realize the risk of encountering a spider and being harmed by it is small or nonexistent. They may avoid going barefoot and may be especially alert when taking showers or getting into and out of bed. This phobia was exploited in a 1990 movie called Arachnophobia.

Arbitrariness refers to the fact that a word is not inherently related to the concept it represents. Arbitrariness is a feature of language in which there is no direct resemblance between words and their referents.

Arbitrary rightness which is exemplified when issues arise that have no clear solution one way or the other, and a person arbitrarily chooses one solution, thereby ending debate.

Arbitration refers to the resolution of a conflict by a neutral third party who studies both sides and imposes a settlement. It is a form of Negotiation to resolve differences conducted by some impartial party.

Arborization refers to the sprouting and branching of dendrites during brain development.

Archetype refers to a universal idea, image, or pattern, found in the collective unconscious. Archetypes are ancient images that Carl Jung believed we are born with and influenced by. According to Jung, Archetype is an inherited predisposition to respond emotionally to certain categories of experience. Moreover, Archetypes are primordial images that predispose human beings to comprehend the world in a particular manner.