Glossary A

In the context of psychology, the term "articulator" isn't commonly used with a specific, well-defined meaning. Generally, in broader contexts, an articulator refers to someone or something that articulates, i.e., the act of expressing or stating something clearly and concisely. In a psychological setting, this could refer to the ability or process whereby individuals express their thoughts, feelings, or needs.

General Description

In a psychological or therapeutic context, an articulator could be seen as a mechanism or tool that helps clients to express their thoughts and feelings more effectively. This could be a metaphorical tool, such as certain therapeutic techniques that encourage expression, or it could refer to the therapist themselves who aids in the articulation of a client's thoughts and feelings.

Application Areas

In psychology, effective articulation is crucial in various areas:

  • Therapeutic Settings: Therapists work to become skilled articulators, helping clients to verbalize difficult emotions and thoughts which are critical for successful therapy outcomes.
  • Educational Psychology: Teachers and educators act as articulators, helping students express their understanding or confusion regarding the material being taught.
  • Organizational Psychology: In workplace settings, training programs might focus on developing employees’ skills as articulators to improve communication and collaboration within teams.

Well-Known Examples

There aren't specific well-known examples of articulators in psychology as it's not a term specifically defined or widely used in the field. However, any tools or techniques that facilitate expression—like journaling, specific interviewing techniques, or expressive therapies (art, music, drama)—could be considered as serving the function of an articulator.

Structure involved in speech production, such as the tongue, lips, teeth, jaw, and soft palate can also be seen as an articulator..

Treatment and Risks

The concept of articulation is integral to psychological practice, especially in therapeutic contexts where clearly expressing emotions and thoughts is vital for diagnosis and treatment. Risks might include misarticulation or difficulties in articulation, which can lead to misunderstandings or misdiagnoses, highlighting the need for skilled therapists who can facilitate effective communication.

Similar Terms

Terms related to articulation in psychology include communication skills, expressive therapy, and active listening. These concepts all involve the crucial ability to clearly convey or elicit thoughts and emotions, which is fundamental in achieving understanding and progress in psychological treatments.


While "articulator" is not a standard psychological term, the concept of articulation plays a critical role in the field. Whether through verbal expression in therapy, educational settings, or organizational environments, being able to articulate thoughts and emotions clearly is essential for personal development, effective therapy, and healthy interpersonal relationships.


Articulators refer to the oral anatomy responsible for moving to produce different sounds: lips, tongue, palate.

Articulatory loop is term used In Baddeley and Hitch's model of the short-term store which refers to a phonological system that stores phonological information.

Articulatory phonetics refers to the branch of phonetics that specifies the articulatory gestures associated with each speech sound; the system of describing speech sounds in terms of how they are produced.

Articulatory phonologic loop refers to a working memory "slave system " that stores speech-based information and is important in the acquisition of vocabulary.

Artifact refers to a concept pertaining to manufactured or human-designed objects. Artifacts are things people surround themselves with, such as clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, and many more that communicate information about the person. In the context of a research study, an Artifact is an external factor that could influence or distort measures. Artifacts threaten both internal and external validity.

Artifact categories are groupings that are designed or invented by humans to serve particular purposes or functions

Artifacts arc the things people surround themselves with (clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, and so forth) that communicate information about the person.