Glossary A

Analogue research a kind of Research that evaluates a specific variable of interest under conditions that only resemble or approximate the situation to which one wishes to generalize.

Deutsch: Analogstudie / Español: Estudio analógico / Português: Estudo analógico / Français: Étude analogique / Italiano: Studio analogico /

Analogue study refers to a investigation that attempts to replicate or simulate, under controlled conditions, a situation that occurs in real life.

Analogy means understanding one concept in terms of another.

Analogy of the divided line refers to Plato's illustration of his contention that there is a hierarchy of understanding. The lowest type of understanding is based on images of empirical objects. Next highest is an understanding of empirical objects themselves, which results only in opinion. Next is an understanding of abstract mathematical principles. Then comes an understanding of the forms. The highest understanding (true knowledge) is an understanding of the form of the good that includes a knowledge of all forms and their organization.

Analyses of variance (ANOVAs) refers to statistical test that examines if group means vary from each other. It uses an F-ratio test.

Deutsch: Analyse / Español: Análisis / Português: Análise / Français: Analyse / Italiano: Analisi /

Analysis means breaking down the whole of a complex problem into manageable elements.

Analysis of dreams refers to a psychoanalytic technique that attempts to shed light on unconscious material. Because dreams are regarded as heavily laden with unconscious wishes in symbolic form, the analysis of dreams is believed to provide important clues to these wishes.

Analytic ability is a term used in Sternberg’s theory of intelligence, which is the ability to analyze problems and generate different solutions