Glossary A

Anxiety sensitivity is the belief that bodily symptoms have harmful consequences

Anxiety Sensitivity Theory refers to the belief that panic disorder is caused in part by the tendency to interpret cognitive and somatic manifestations of stress and anxiety in a catastrophic manner.

Deutsch: Angstbedingte Unruhe / Español: Inquietud inducida por la ansiedad / Português: Inquietação induzida pela ansiedade / Français: Agitation induite par l'anxiété / Italiano: Irrequietezza indotta dall'ansia

Anxiety-Induced Restlessness is a common symptom in psychological contexts where individuals experience an intense and overwhelming feeling of agitation or inability to stay still. This restlessness is directly linked to feelings of anxiety and can manifest in various physical and psychological ways.

Deutsch: Angstbedingte Unruhe / Español: Agitación Relacionada con la Ansiedad / Português: Agitação Relacionada à Ansiedade / Français: Agitation Liée à l'Anxiété / Italiano: Agitazione Legata all'Ansia

Anxiety-Related Agitation in the context of psychology refers to a state of nervousness and restlessness that is directly linked to anxiety. This condition manifests as an overwhelming feeling of unease or worry that leads to physical symptoms such as pacing, fidgeting, or an inability to sit still. It's often seen in individuals experiencing high levels of stress or those with anxiety disorders.

Anxiolytics refers to the medications that reduce the symptoms of anxiety. Anxiolytics are prescription drugs used to treat and prevent anxiety disorders.

Anxious attachment refers to an insecure relationship in which an infant or child shows ambivalence about seeking reassurance or security from an attachment figure.

Anxious-avoidant attachment where infants avoid contact with their mothers after separation or ignore their efforts to interact. They show less distress at being alone than other babies. Infants are very cautious in the presence of a stranger. Their exploratory behavior is noticeably disrupted by the caregiver 's departure. When the caregiver returns, the infants appear to want to be close to the caregiver, but they are also angry, so that they are very hard to soothe or comfort.