Glossary A

Apparatus refers to a subsection of the method portion of a technical paper that describes any special equipment used in the research to test participants

Apparatus subsection refers to the portion of the method section in a research report that describes any equipment used in the study.

Apparatus/materials refer to the subsection of a scientific paper that describes the equipment used in the experiment.
- Apparent distance theory : Apparent distance theory refers to an explanation of the moon illusion that is based on the idea that the horizon moon, which is viewed across the filled space of the terrain, should appear farther away than the zenith moon, which is viewed through the empty space of the sky. This theory states that because the horizon and zenith moons have the same visual angle, the farther appearing horizon moon should appear larger.

Apparent motion refers to a movement illusion in which one or more stationary lights going on and off in succession are perceived as a single moving light; the simplest form of apparent motion is the phi phenomenon.

Apparent movement refers to an illusion of movement that occurs between two objects separated in space when the objects are flashed rapidly on and off, one after another, separated by a brief time interval.

Apparent-distance hypothesis refers to an explanation of the moon illusion stating that the horizon seems more distant than the night sky.

Appearance and behavior refer to client’s observable appearance and behaviors during the clinical interview. Usually includes manner of dress, hygiene, body posture, tics, significant non-verbals (eye contact, wringing of hands, swaying), and manner of speech (like stuttering, tone).