Glossary A

Appearance Anxiety a term used to refer to apprehension or worry about whether one's physical appearance is adequate and about what possible negative reactions of other people

Appearance self -esteem refers to an individual’s satisfaction with his or her physical looks

Appearance/reality distinction refers to the ability to keep the true properties or characteristics of an object in mind despite the deceptive appearance the object has assumed; notably lacking among young children during the preconceptual period. It is the knowledge that the appearance of an object does not necessarily correspond to its reality. Moreover, it is the difference between real events on the one hand and mental events, fantasies, and misleading appearances on the other hand.

Appeasement gesture refers to a stereotyped gesture made by a submissive animal in response to a threat gesture by a dominant animal; tends to inhibit an attack.

Appendicular skeleton refer to the appendages, or the upper and lower extremities, and the shoulder and pelvic girdles.
Appendix refers to the section of a research report, which presents detailed information that is useful but would interrupt the flow of information if presented in the body of the paper.

Apperception refers to the personal values and interests determining the mode in which an individual perceives self, others, and the world. It is a conscious experience. The mode of perceiving is "biased" by convictions ; thus, each individual has a "biased apperception" of both subjective and objective experience. The schema of biased Apperception defines the individual's phenomenological field.*

Apperceptive agnosia refers to a form of Visual agnosia in which there is an impairment of perceptual analysis of familiar objects. (see Visual agnosia)