Glossary A

Deutsch: Amplitude / Español: Amplitud / Português: Amplitude / Français: Amplitude / Italiano: Amplitude /

Amplitude refers to the Magnitude or intensity of a sound wave, determining the loudness of the sound; in vision the amplitude of a light wave affects the brightness of a stimulus which is measured in decibels. In a medical context Amplitude refers to the range of muscle fiber length between maximal and minimal lengthening; the "size" or "height" of a tremor; the extend or breadth of a tremor's range. Amplitude also refers to the intensity of a sound or other stimulus.

Ampulla is the base of the vas deferens, where the vas hooks up over the ureter of the bladder.

In the psychology context, amputation refers to the experience of losing a limb, either through surgery or trauma, and the psychological effects that can result from this loss. Amputation can have significant impacts on an individual's mental health, body image, and overall quality of life.

In the psychology context, amusement refers to a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of enjoyment, laughter, and entertainment. It is often associated with situations or stimuli that are perceived as humorous or pleasurable. Amusement is a subject of interest in various psychological disciplines, including emotional psychology, positive psychology, and the study of humor. It plays a significant role in human well-being, social bonding, and stress reduction.

Amygdala refers to an area in the core of the brain and part of the limbic system of the brain located deep in the temporal lobe that is associated with aggressive behaviors.

Amyloid class of proteins that can accumulate between cells in areas of the brain critical to memory and cognitive functioning. Amyloid refers to the protein that is produced in abnormally high levels in Alzheimer’s patients

Amyloid beta protein 42 refers to protein with 42 amino acids, which accumulates in the brain and impairs the functions of neurons and glia cells, leading to Alzheimer’s disease

Amyloid cascade hypothesis refers to the belief that deposits of amyloid proteins cause cell death in the brain; associated with Alzheimer’s disease.