Glossary A

Englisch: syndromes
Amok, in Malaysia refers to a culture bound syndromes which is precipitated by a perceived slight or insult and refers to a period of brooding followed by an outburst of violent or aggressive behavior.

Amotivational syndrome refers to the loss of effectiveness and reduced capacity to accomplish conventional goals as a result of chronic marijuana use

AMPA receptor refers to glutamate receptor that also responds to the drug a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid

Amphetamine refers to a colorless, volatile liquid, C9H13N, used primarily as a central nervous system stimulant.

Amphetamine-Use Disorder refers to psychological, biological, behavioral, and social problems associated with Amphetamine use and abuse.

Amphiarthrodial joints refer to joints that functionally allow only a very slight amount of movement, such as synchondrosis (example: costochondral joint of the ribs with sternum), syndesmosis (example: distal tibiofibular), and symphysis (example: symphysis pubis) joints.

Amplification is a process of using knowledge of the history and meaning of symbols to understand unconscious material, like those that arise from patients’ dreams.

Amplifier hypothesis refers to the premise that Stress may serve to amplify the maladaptive predispositions of parents, thereby disrupting family management practices and compromising