Glossary B

Behavioral personality theory refers to any model of personality that emphasizes learning and observable behavior.

Behavioral perspective refers to a theoretical perspective in which it is assumed that abnormality is caused by faulty learning experiences.

Behavioral pharmacology refers to the specialty area of Psychopharmacology that concentrates on drug use as a learned behavior

Deutsch: Verhaltensplastizität / Español: Plasticidad Conductual / Português: Plasticidade Comportamental / Français: Plasticité Comportementale / Italiano: Plasticità Comportamentale

Behavioral Plasticity in the context of psychology refers to the capacity of an individual to modify their behavior in response to changing environmental conditions or internal states. This concept underscores the adaptability of behavior as a result of learning, experience, or development, highlighting the dynamic nature of how individuals interact with their environment.

Deutsch: Verhaltenspsychologie / Español: Psicología Conductual / Português: Psicologia Comportamental / Français: Psychologie Comportementale / Italiano: Psicologia Comportamentale

Behavioral Psychology, also known as behaviorism, is a branch of psychology that focuses on the study of observable behaviors, emphasizing the role of environmental factors in shaping behavior. It operates under the principle that all behaviors are learned through interaction with the environment and that psychological disorders are best treated by altering behavior patterns.

Behavioral rehearsal means role-playing. Behavioral rehearsal is a term that is usually used in cases where the patient is trying to develop a new response pattern. Behavioral rehearsal likewise refer to the procedures used to establish and strengthen basic skills; as used in social-skills training programs, requires the client to rehearse a desirable behavior sequence mentally.

Behavioral risk factors refer to behaviors that increase the chances of disease, injury, or premature death.

Behavioral schemes refer to organized patterns of behavior that are used to represent and respond to objects and experiences.