Glossary B

Behaviorism refers to a school of psychology which maintains that to understand human behavior, one need only consider the reinforcing properties of the environment-that is, how positive and negative events in the environment are associated with specific behaviors.

In the psychology context, a behaviorist refers to a psychologist or a practitioner who adheres to the principles of behaviorism, a theoretical perspective that focuses exclusively on observable behaviors and the ways in which these behaviors are learned from the environment. Behaviorism emerged in the early 20th century as a reaction against introspective methods that were prevalent in psychology at the time, arguing instead for a focus on observable and measurable behaviors as the most scientific approach to understanding human and animal psychology.

Behaviorist perspective refers to the psychological perspective which is primarily concerned with observable behavior that can be objectively recorded and with the relationships of observable behavior to environmental stimuli.

Deutsch: Verhalten / Español: Comportamiento / Português: Comportamento / Français: Comportement / Italiano: Comportamento

Behaviour in psychology refers to the actions, reactions, and conduct of individuals, typically in response to external stimuli or internal thoughts and emotions. It encompasses everything from observable physical actions to internal processes such as thoughts and emotions.

Behaviour Therapy refers to a type of treatment based on conditioning and other learning principles; sometimes used more narrowly to refer to treatment based on classical conditioning only.

Behavioural genetics is another spelling for Behavioral genetics which is the study of inherited behavioral Traits and tendencies.

(See Behavioral genetics)

Deutsch: Sein / Español: Ser / Português: Ser / Français: Être / Italiano: Essere
means something that is unchanging and thus, in principle, is capable of being known with certainty. Being implies stability and certainty; becoming implies instability and uncertainty.

Being perception refers to perception that embraces fully what is there because it is not an attempt to locate specific items that will satisfy needs. Being perception is also called B-perception