Glossary B

Bell's Palsy is form of Neuritis that involves paralysis of the facial nerve causing weakness of the muscles of one side of the face and an inability to close the eye. It involves paralysis of the facial nerve; weakness of the muscles of one side of the face. In some cases, patient's hearing may also be affected in such a way that sounds seem to him/her to be abnormally loud and sometimes, loss of taste sensation may also occur. Its cause in unknown and recovery of teh person with Bell's palsy may occur spontaneously

Belmont Report refers to a summary of the basic ethical principles for protecting humans in research published in 1979 by the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subject in Biomedical and Behavioral Research. The present Federal regulations for protecting human participants in research is based on the Belmont Report.

Benchmark answers refer to standard answers to interview questions, the quality of which has been agreed on by job experts.

Benchmarking refers to the case where there are two sources of data for the same target variable, with different frequencies, and is concerned with correcting inconsistencies between the different estimates.

Deutsch: Fürsorge / Español: Beneficencia / Português: Beneficência / Français: Bienfaisance / Italiano: Beneficenza

Beneficence in the psychology context refers to the ethical principle of acting for the benefit of others, promoting their well-being, and contributing to their welfare. This principle is foundational to ethical practice in psychology and underscores the commitment of psychologists to do good, maximize positive outcomes, and minimize harm to those they work with. Beneficence goes beyond avoiding harmful actions; it involves actively contributing to the health, welfare, and comfort of clients and participants in psychological research and practice.

Deutsch: Vorteile der Antikonformität / Español: Beneficios de la anticonformidad / Português: Benefícios da anticonformidade / Français: Avantages de l'anticonformité / Italiano: Benefici dell'anticonformismo

Anticonformity is the deliberate act of opposing or rejecting the norms, expectations, or behaviours of a group. In psychology, anticonformity is studied as a form of social influence that contrasts with conformity, where individuals adopt behaviours or beliefs to align with a group. The benefits of anticonformity in a psychological context revolve around personal autonomy, creativity, and social dynamics.

Benefits of Studying Psychology

Our brains function in mysterious yet interesting ways, with everyone experiencing their fair share of emotions and thoughts. As the world increasingly focuses on mental health treatment and self-care, psychology has gained immense popularity. According to statistics, the number of working psychologists in the U.S. stood at 110,300 in 2019 and continues to increase.

Benevolent sexism refers to the belief that women are pure creatures who should be pampered, protected, and placed on a pedestal. Benevolent Sexism is a positive but paternalistic att